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Marketing Resources

Do you want to get the word out about your event? Do you have an important publication to share? Did you just receive a major grant? If so, the communications office wants to hear about it.

Event Publicity

Before you do anything, please make sure that this event is listed on the appropriate department/office webpage. Often, we link off of an event announcement to a webpage for additional information. Please contact your web liaison to place this information on your website.

The communications team can provide the following help publicizing your event:

  • Create event graphics advertising your event
  • Place event announcements on the CHS social media feeds, campus TV screens (including STEM), the CHS faculty, staff, and student newsletters, the CHS event Google calendar, the VCU events calendar and in TelegRAM
  • For high profile events, we work with VCU News on press releases and/or event recaps

For event publicity, please fill out this form

Informational Publicity

For publicity not tied to an event for example, accepting applications for a student fellowship or a reminder about a study abroad trip please fill out our informational publicity form.

For informational publicity, please fill out this form


If you’d like to advertise an event on the STEM TVs, please fill out the event publicity form. You may upload your graphics to that form. Please note that the graphics should be sized 1920 x 1080 px.

Other News

We love to hear about publications, grants, awards, new curricular changes, interesting pedagogy, student news and much more.

If you have something important to share or news that you would like included in our newsletters, please email Alexis Finc, director of communications, at