As an employee of the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences, your service and dedication to our students, faculty, staff and university community makes a difference every day. Faculty and staff philanthropy is an additional way you can demonstrate your remarkable commitment to the mission of the College of Humanities and Sciences. By supporting the area you are most passionate about—scholarships, research, student emergency funds, academic programs or experiential learning—you can make an extraordinary impact on the ambitions of our faculty and students. Designate your gift to a specific need or make an unrestricted gift, so funding can be used where the financial need is greatest.
Support your passion. Every gift matters.
If you would like to support an area you are passionate about, you have a few options:

You will need to use your eID login and password if you are not already logged in. If you would like to restrict your gift to a school/department/program, use the first drop-down menu and select 'Other.' Then in the second box, type the school/department/program. A payroll deduction can be changed or stopped at any time.
You can make a gift to the College of Humanities and Sciences general fund, or restrict your gift to an area of your preference. To restrict your gift to a school/department/program, use the first drop-down menu and select your preference, or select 'Other' and then type your restrictions.
If you wish to make a gift via check, make your check payable to the VCU Foundation and write your restrictions on the memo line (for example, College of H&S, or Dept of XYZ). Mail via USPS or hand-deliver your check to the address at the bottom of this page. We are also happy to come by your home or office to pick it up.
If you wish to make arrangements through gift planning, including retirement plan assets, life insurance, or gifts through your will or other, please contact us to discuss options that may best benefit you/your heirs and the university.
Your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Note: The IRS frowns upon donating to funds in which you directly administer, for example Dr. Smith giving to the Dr. Smith Research Fund.