Emeriti Faculty
According to the VCU Faculty Handbook:
"The title emeritus/emerita is awarded for distinguished or exceptional service and outstanding dedication to the university. Normally, eligibility is limited to full-time faculty members who have retired at the rank of professor or associate professor and who have served the university for a period of not less than ten consecutive years prior to retirement. To be eligible for an emeriti appointment, a faculty member shall be nominated by the department chair or applicable unit head. The nomination then requires approval by the respective dean, vice president, president, and/or Board of Visitors, as applicable."
Nomination Process
- Nominators (must be unit/department head) should email the name of the nominee(s) to the appropriate Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs.
- Nominators complete the DocuSign form, "Recommendation for Emeriti Status" form sent from the Dean's office. Nominators attach (or type in) their nominating letter with the nominee's curriculum vitae. The nomination letter should include the nominee's years of service at VCU along with highlights of their career at VCU. According to the Faculty Handbook, the head of the applicable unit must submit the nomination.
- The signed DocuSign form is routed to the Dean's office, who adds a letter and signs the form if the nomination is supported.
- The form is routed to the provost's office for a signature.