Computer Hardware and Software Purchasing Policy
Photo credit: Disabled and Here (Creative Commons)
All computer hardware and software purchased with state funds (including internal and external grants) remain the property of the College of Humanities and Sciences, and will be subject to compliance with all relevant federal/state laws and university policies. In order to ensure compliance with applicable laws and policies, and to ensure the efficient operation of its Technology Services department, the College requires that all computer hardware and software purchased with state funds, be approved by the College of Humanities and Sciences Technology Services department.
Computers purchased with private grants or other funds, but intended for use on the VCU network, must also be approved by the College of Humanities and Sciences Technology Services department.
To submit a hardware/software purchase request, faculty and staff should review the appropriate purchasing recommendations on the public network drive (P:) and work with the individual responsible for making purchases for that particular department in order to generate a quote. The quote should then be sent to hastech@vcu.edu for review.
The College provides a desktop or laptop computer for each full-time faculty and staff member for use in their assigned office. This computer must remain on campus and be used for work-related purposes, in accordance with the VCU Computer and Network Resources Use Policy. If a faculty or staff member requires a computer for home or off-campus use, that individual may request, through the appropriate department head, that his/her desktop or workstation be replaced with a laptop which may be used both on and off campus.
Use of off-campus computers and equipment will be subject to the College of Humanities and Sciences Off-Campus Computer Policy, and to all other applicable laws and policies.
Compliance References
- VCU Computer and Network Resources Use Policy
- VCU Information Security Policy
- VCU Information Security Policy Implementation Procedures
- COV ITRM Information Technology Security Standard (SEC501-01)
- Virginia Department of Human Resource Management – Use of Internet and Electronic Communication Systems (Policy 1.75)
Additional Computer-Related Policies
Additional computer-related policy documents are available on the 'P' drive under 'Documents' and by visiting the VCU Information Technology Policy Library.