Faculty Council

The Faculty Council represents the faculty of the College and serves as an advisory to the dean on issues of concern to the faculty, such as graduate and undergraduate curricula, programs, evaluation and improvement of instruction, information technology, awards and honors, tenure and promotion, the faculty bylaws and teaching and research grants.

  • Sheila Blaire (Classified and Professional Staff Council/CAPS)
  • Grace Gipson (African American Studies)
  • Carolina Yarber (Biology)
  • Constance Franklin (Chemistry)
  • Gardner Campbell (English)
  • Brandi Neal (Focused Inquiry)
  • Christopher Erhardt (Forensic Science)
  • Brooke Taylor (Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies)
  • Everett Carpenter (Graduate Academic Committee)
  • John Herman (History)
  • Kim Case (Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity Committee/IDEC)
  • Susan Zacharia (Kinesiology and Health Sciences)
  • Craig Larson (Mathematics and Applied Mathematics)
  • Coleman Hostvedt (Military Science)
  • Mikhail Valdman (Philosophy)
  • Richard Inho Joh (Physics)
  • Alex Keena (Political Science)
  • Wendy Kliewer (Psychology)
  • Veronica Garabelli, Secretary (Robertson School)
  • Victor Chen (Sociology)
  • Scott Street, Parliamentarian (Statistical Sciences Operations Research)
  • Mark Wood, President (World Studies)

Faculty Council meetings are held monthly, typically on the third Monday, during the academic year. If you would like to attend a meeting, please contact the current Faculty Council president.

For 2024-2025:

  • September 16
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • December 16
  • January 20
  • February 17 (officer nominations)
  • March 17 (officer elections)
  • April 21
  • May 12


Faculty Council Research and Professional Development Grants support opportunities that promote the research and teaching missions of the College. Faculty Council awards are intended to cover costs associated with research and professional development. These costs may include travel to archives or conferences, associated lodging and meals, data collection or reproduction fees, etc. (Travel funding requests must comply with VCU Office of Procurement Services guidelines.)

The maximum value of a Research and Professional Development Grant is $1,000, for use between the announcement of the award and the end of the fiscal year.


All full-time faculty in the College of Humanities and Sciences may apply. Preference will be given to candidates whose funded work will (1) make a positive difference in the field and/or the classroom; and (2) impact the professional trajectory of the work or candidate (e.g., by leading to external funding, resulting in publication, or contributing to professional reputation). In addition, the decision committee will prioritize applicants who demonstrate a clear need, and who have not received funding through a Faculty Council award in the last three years.


Applications are due by 5:00pm on March 10, 2025. A complete application will include the application form and the following documents, preferably merged into a single PDF:

  • A detailed proposal no longer than two single-spaced pages. The proposal should be written for a broad audience, and must address
    • the objective(s) and methods of the project or professional development opportunity
    • the location where work will be conducted, including why the location is integral to advancing/completing the project or contributing to professional development (if applicable)
    • the impact the project will have on the candidate’s career development
    • the impact the project will have on the candidate’s field as well as the College of Humanities and Sciences at VCU
  • A current curriculum vitae
  • A budget (see template).
  • A statement addressing any current and previous funding for the project. If the candidate has previously received funding from the Faculty Council, then the statement must also address progress made on the project as a result of that funding (e.g. publications, conference presentations, invited talks). If the project has received no funding, please state that.


A peer committee will conduct a review and announce the grant awards by April 1, 2025. Recipients will have until June 30, 2026, to use these funds. Instructions on disbursement will accompany notification of the award.


Please submit any questions to the president of the CHS Faculty Council.

All CHS committees