Undergraduate Academic Committee

The undergraduate academic committee (UAC), in collaboration with the university undergraduate curriculum committee (UUCC), is responsible for maintaining guidelines regarding degree requirements, academic standards, curriculum development and other undergraduate academic program matters in the College. UAC also addresses new rules, or changes in the rules, affecting the academic status of undergraduate students in the College, including admissions policies, academic advising, degree requirements and grades.

All changes in any course or program description within the College, no matter how minor, are to be submitted to UAC for approval including:

  • Revision of curriculum outlines
  • Revision of existing courses, including changes in course descriptions
  • Course deletions
  • Changes in descriptive statements of programs
  • New courses
  • New and revised minors
  • New and revised programs
  • New and revised majors
  • New and revised concentrations

UAC also monitors topics courses, independent studies, general education requirements and the classification of honors modules.


UAC typically meets once a month from 2-4 p.m. on Fridays during the academic year. If there are items of business that have not been completed at the end of the scheduled meeting, the committee will continue to meet each Friday in succession until all agenda items are completed.

Fall 2024

  • Aug. 30
  • Sept. 27
  • Nov. 1 (2-5 p.m.)
  • Nov. 15 (2-5 p.m.)

Spring 2025

  • Jan. 31
  • Feb. 28
  • March 28


Course and program proposals must be received by UAC in Courseleaf two weeks prior to a meeting for consideration by the UAC in that meeting.

The Undergraduate Academic Committee shall be composed of:

  • A representative from each department, school and interdisciplinary academic program in the College chosen under their respective bylaws for a two-year term
  • One undergraduate student representative from the College may be appointed following nomination and approval by the committee
  • The dean or the dean’s designee, serving as non-voting member
  • The president of the Staff Council, or a designee currently sitting on the Staff Council, serving as a non-voting member

UAC members:

  • Adam Ewing (African American Studies)
  • Deborah Polo (Chemistry)
  • Jen Olsen (Biology)
  • John Brinegar (English)
  • Stephanie Walcott (Forensic Science)
  • Eli Coston (Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies)
  • Sarah Meacham (History)
  • Ryan Garten (Kinesiology and Health Sciences)
  • Jay Adams (Robertson School)
  • Nicola Tarasca (Mathematics and Applied Mathematics)
  • Ken Akiba (Philosophy)
  • Robert Gowdy (Physics)
  • Douglas Kimemia (Political Science)
  • Ellen Carpenter (Psychology)
  • Zachery Goodell (Sociology)
  • Scott Street (Statistical Sciences and Operations Research)
  • Cinzia Corubolo (World Studies)
  • Jonathan Waybright (World Studies, chair)
  • Juliana Rasnic (CAPS Council)
  • Jullianne Guillard (Focused Inquiry)

CIM Proposals

This page is provided to help guide members of the CHS community through the process of preparing CIM proposals, specifically from the perspective of the Undergraduate Academic Committee.

All CHS committees