Unit Chairs and Directors

Kevin Allison, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair
Email: kallison@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 827-0027
Location: 806 W. Franklin St., Room 105
Works for: Department of Psychology

Jason Ross Arnold, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair
Email: jrarnold@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 827-1706
Location: 827 W. Franklin St., Room 326
Works for: Department of Political Science

Maryanne Collinson, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair
Email: mmcollinson@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-7509
Location: Temple, Room 4429
Works for: Department of Chemistry

Charlene Crawley, Ph.D.
Job title: Coordinator
Email: cdcrawle@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-4262
Location: Oliver Hall, Room 3036
Works for: Interdisciplinary Science Program

Andrew Crislip, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair
Email: acrislip@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-1736
Location: 811 S. Cathedral Place, Room 201
Works for: Department of History

R. Lee Franco, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair
Email: francorl@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 827-9348
Location: 500 Academic Centre, Room 111
Works for: Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences

Rima Franklin, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair
Email: rbfranklin@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-6753
Location: 1000 W. Cary St., Room 32
Works for: Department of Biology

Tracey Dawson Green, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair
Email: tcdawson@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-0642
Location: Harris Hall South, Room 2013
Works for: Department of Forensic Science

Les Harrison, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair
Email: hlharrison@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 827-8428
Location: Hibbs Hall, Room 415
Works for: Department of English

Kathleen Ingram, J.D., Ph.D.
Job title: Interim Chair
Email: kingram@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 827-1307
Location: 919 W. Franklin St., Room 202
Works for: Department of Sociology

Olivia Landry, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair
Email: landryor@vcu.edu
Location: Lafayette Hall, Room 214
Works for: Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies

Rohan Kalyan, Ph.D.
Job title: Acting Director
Email: rkkalyan@vcu.edu
Location: 14 N. Laurel St.
Works for: School of World Studies

Joseph Reiner, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair
Email: jereiner@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-7079
Location: 701 W. Grace St., Room 2111
Works for: Department of Physics

Peyton Rowe
Job title: Director
Email: prowe@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 827-1706
Location: 901 W. Main St., Room 2216
Works for: Richard T. Robertson School of Media and Culture

Rebecca Segal, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair, Acting Chair
Email: rasegal@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-4756
Works for: Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Chair); Department of Statistical Sciences and Operations Research (Acting Chair)

Donald Smith, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair
Email: dpsmith@vcu.edu
Location: 107 Starke House
Works for: Department of Philosophy

Shawn O. Utsey, Ph.D.
Job title: Chair
Email: soutsey@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-1144
Location: Williams House, 800 W. Franklin St., Room 302
Works for: Department of African American Studies