Meet Jeannie Friedrich, Senior Office Manager

Friedrich started working at VCU 17 years ago – and doesn’t want to ever leave.
Jeannie Friedrich

If there is one thing to know about Jeannie Friedrich, it’s that she loves working on a college campus. Not only is she passionate about academia, but she says the energy and excitement at VCU make it a great place to work. Jeannie started at VCU in the School of Education in 2007 and switched to the Department of Physics in 2013. 

Read on to learn more about Jeannie.

When did your career begin at VCU and what brought you here? 

I have been in this department for 11 years, and I don't think I'll ever leave. It's really great here. When I first started my career, I kind of got into banking, like Capital One, and I quickly realized that I loved academia. So I got in through working at a community college first and then kind of worked myself up. But I just love working at the College because of its awesome energy and constant learning.

What is your day to day role at VCU?

I'm the senior office manager so basically I do a wide range of things. I’m the building manager and I also do tasks like key control, time keeping, assisting the faculty and just pretty much anything to do with taking care of the office and faculty.

What are you most passionate about in your career?

I'm very passionate about education and I’m a lifelong learner. I have two bachelor's degrees, in English and criminal justice, and one master's degree in criminal justice. I got the second bachelor's and the master's while working here at VCU. I’m very passionate about education and social justice.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

It’s silly, but being the face of the department. The students come to me for things like overrides or even to get a Band-Aid or something, so I’m kind of like the mother here. But I think it’s rewarding to just be around the energy and excitement on a college campus, and it keeps me young too. 

Jeannie Friedrich holding a kitten

What is something about you that people you see on a daily basis may not know?

I write poetry and I actually self-published about 10 years ago. It’s called “When Butterflies Turn Back Into Caterpillars.” It’s a collection of poetry about the human condition, the struggle one goes through when aging and walking the path of life.You can find it on Amazon and I think I sold a few copies to family members and friends. But I don’t think anybody here knows about it. 

And I’m also very much into cat rescue; it’s kind of like my community service here at VCU.

What is one of your favorite spots in RVA that you would recommend to a new student or staff member at VCU?

Again with education, I say visiting any of the little eclectic bookstores like Fountain Bookstore downtown. Just experiencing and seeing all the different types of food, music and museums around here because [Richmond] just has so much to offer. 

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