Community Action Council
The overall mission of College of Humanities and Sciences Community Action Council is to advance partnerships between faculty, staff and students within CHS and local community organizations, businesses and governmental entities.
The Community Action Council works closely with the CHS Community Advisory Committee and CHS faculty, staff and students to:
- set an agenda and prioritize initiatives around community engagement in the community and the College
- identify disparities and social justice inequities within the community and ways to reduce these
- provide feedback to administrators, faculty and staff on activities and initiatives related to community engagement
- identify opportunities for students to work with organizations, and other entities within the metro Richmond community
- help to identify resources for CHS and community organization

Carol Adams
Adams is also the founder and CEO of the Carol Adams Foundation, a nonprofit organization that addresses domestic violence.

Heather Anderson
Anderson is responsible for planning, outreach and overseeing events and community partnerships and engagement.

Nannette Bailey
Bailey collaborates with community members, businesses and volunteers to develop opportunities to enhance student and family success.

Lindsay Bryant
Bryant is a leader in HIV prevention, education and treatment activities in the Richmond metropolitan area and co-chair of the Black Treatment Advocates Network.

Jonathan Clarke
Clarke is a member of the Richmond Fire Department's diversity, equity and inclusion committee.

Harold Fitrer, Ed.D.
Fitrer also serves as an adjunct faculty at the University of Richmond and enjoyed a long career with Richmond Public Schools.

Tanya M. González
González has almost 20 years of experience working with and for Richmond's Latino community.

Meg Hughes
Hughes has developed more than 20 exhibitions for The Valentine, many of which were co-curated with community members and organizations.

Cristina Kincaid
Kincaid leads the largest department at the agency, with a staff of 14 responding to more than 10,000 client contacts a year.

Adranae Mena
Outside of the resource center, Adranae is the CEO/Founder of Soar Fearlessly Coaching, a transformation coach committed to empowering individuals to discover their purpose and live their best lives.

Cynthia Newbille, Ph.D.
Newville serves as the Council representative for the Richmond City Council's East End 7th Voter District.

Ralph W. Stuckey
A passionate advocate for human equality and justice, Stuckey has been engaged in advocacy throughout his career, working directly with youth and family organizations in Virginia, Arkansas and Texas.

Maria Pia Tamburri
Tamburri supports and leads employee-focused initiatives to foster an engaged, diverse, respectful and inclusive workplace where all employees have the opportunity to thrive.